Saturday, November 20, 2010

35 Big Twitter Hashtags for PR Pros

Twitter is an exciting place for new and seasoned PR professionals to come together and share ideas and opportunities in the profession. The key to optimizing your Twitter experience is to take advantage of its hashtag resource which links related topics together with a simple # at the beginning of a word, acronym or phrase.

Over the past few days, I've researched some of the top PR related hashtags and their benefits. For the new Tweeters out there, or those still thinking about taking the plunge, I hope you'll take advantage of these 35 big Twitter hashtags for PR pros!

Most Common:
#PR – Obviously one of the two most encompassing tags, it's the most optimal for 140 character tweets. Great for mixed industry related posts.
#publicrelations – This tag may be the same concept as #PR, but the tweet results are hardly the same. Great for mixed industry related posts.

Practice & Expertise Focused:
#branding – Lessons for #corporate or #smallbiz related work.
#personalbranding – Perfect for learning to promote your self.
#mediarelations – Helps develop stronger relations with news media
#reputationmanagement – Tips/case studies for building and maintaining reputations.
#marketing – Industry news and strategies.
#crisismanagement – Trends, strategies and case examples of good/bad crisis work.
#CrisisPR – Like #PR/publicrelations, this tag is just as effective while diverse.
#publicity – Often sporadic in content value when searched, the worth while tweets make up the difference.
#advertising – Great techniques and trends.

Social Media Focused:
#socialmedia – Great for most trends and strategies for social media.
#SM – A second social media tag.
#digitalmarketing – Great for emphasis trends, news and some job opportunities.
#SEO – Search Engine Optimization related content.
#SMO – Social Media Optimization related content.
#smcedu – Weekly chat (Mondays, 9:30 am PST) devoted to ensuring that college grads are media literate and capable of applying emerging lessons from social media in organizations.

PR Jobs:
#prjobs – The definite way to find career opportunities and advice.
#prjob – Despite the one character difference, the opportunities and advice often vary.
#EntryPR – A specifically important tag for finding entry level jobs that are available and additional advice.
#happoHelp A PR Pro Out constantly provides job seeking advice, internships, and job opportunities with a focus on networking. The next organized chat will be on Wednesday, Dec. 8 from 8-9 pm CT.

Professional Development:
#PRadvice – A pretty wide spectrum of content with direct advice tweets and URL links.
#prtips – A pretty wide spectrum of content with direct advice tweets and URL links.
#pr20chat – Weekly chat (Tuesdays, 8 pm EST) discussing public relations social media related issues for the future.
#u30pro – Weekly chat (Thursdays, 8 pm EST) focusing on issues surrounding PR professionals under 30.
#solopr – Weekly chat (Wednesdays, 1 pm EST) designed for independent PR professionals and those interested in learning more about this career emphasis.
#measurepr – Bi-weekly chat (Tuesdays since 2/2/10, 12-1 pm ET) focusing on all things measurement in public relations and social media measurement too.
#brandChat – Weekly chat (Wednesdays, 11 a.m. EST) with focused topics about branding and marketing strategies.

PR Students:
#PRstudents – Mostly for building student's credentials and a frequent source for internships.
#prstudchat – Monthly chat (different days and times) focused on students and professionals coming together to share thoughts.
#PRintern – Learn about current student internships that are available.
#prssa – The Public Relations Student Society of America.

PR Organizations:
#prsa – The Public Relations Society of America.

Journalism Related:
#journalism – Great for most journalism related posts.
#journchat – Weekly chat (Mondays, 7 pm CT) between journalists, bloggers and PR pros.


Elizabeth said...

Great list-- thank you for sharing. I'ts great to have everything in one place!

Kim Ciesla said...

Thanks for the list. I've been looking for something like this for a while - I'm always looking to expand my twitter searches :)

Thanks again! I look forward to more posts from you.

Melissa said...

My boss just shared this post with me. This is an AMAZING list! I will definitely refer back to it a lot. Thanks!

Andrew M. Scott said...

Thanks, Elizabeth, Kim and Melissa! That's great to hear!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, it is indeed a very useful list! @Worob tweeted this.


Christie said...

Thanks for compiling such a great list. I'd also add #IABC under organizations as well.

Thanks again!

Susan Carol said...

I appreciate this and the reminder to use Twitter to easily search for thoughts on a single subject.

andy checo said...

Great list! I will add that for US Hispanic PR there is #hprchat (Hispanic PR Chat)

MediaMaven said...

How about #prwebchat? Its a bi-weekly Twitter chat that features today’s gurus and tomorrow’s influencers, based on the topics of PR, SEO, social media and the like for individuals, agencies and small businesses. Our last chat was on how to pitch national media successfully. Here's more info:

Andrew M. Scott said...

Thanks Tarky 7, Christie, Susan, Andy and Media Maven!

Also thanks for the additional hashtag suggestions. For those not familiar:

#IABC - The International Association of Business Communicators.

#hprchat - a monthly chat (first Wednesdays, 8-9:30PM EST) among US Hispanic PR proffesionals, journalists and bloggers.

#prwebchat - A PRWeb sponsored chat very other week (Thursdays, 2-2:30 PM EST)on specific PR, SEO and social media themes.

Dawn Doty said...

Great handy list. Big thanks!

Jeannette Baer said...

Great post! and very useful. Wanted to share a great hashtag #UsGuys is a 24/7 convo about Social Media, Tech, Marketing, PR, and anything else you want to chat about! Jump in at anytime. This week we have average about 9800 tweets, about 1334 tweets per day and 538 contributors ~ Enjoy!

Thanks again for this resourceful post!

ines16 said...

Really good post. I went straight on Twitter to see what results would come up and it's quite an eye opener!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the work you put into this, and the sharing. Great and useful list

Dr. Dorree Lynn said...

Thanks. Useful

saskia said...

Thanks! Lets see how this works in The Netherlands...

40deuce said...

Hey Andrew,

This is a great list. Just want to throw another one in the ring.
I co-host a chat called #smmeasure that tweets at noon(EST) on Thursdays. We chat about a lot of things social media related, but the our main focus is on measurement in social media.

If you or any of your readers ever get a chance, please join us.

Sheldon, community manager for Sysomos

Véronique Schyns said...

Thanks for collecting all relevant PR hash tags!

jlnawan said...

Thank you for the list. It's great! And it's very helpful. I can use it to communicate better with my students.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is such a great list. EXACTLY what I've been looking for. I really wasn't sure how to approach hashtags. I'm excited to get searching!

Thanks :)

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This information has helped me to experience advantage of its hashtag resource and their benefits.

stefanie said...

Great, thanks a lot, v helpful

Beth said...

Nice ;)

Beth said...

Nice ;)

Best said...

Nice ;)

Unknown said...

Wow, it's so nice to have this list. Thank you very much for sharing. It's really useful.

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