The individual committees include the divisions of Music, Money and Man. In the Man Committee, we focus on social coordinated events such as brotherhood builders for the probationary and collegiate brothers.
As the new head of the committee, I have two major goals for next semester. The first is Sinfonia's first annual spring formal. The other is "Sinfonia Battle of the Bands."

The formal is a spring semester social event that is designed for optimal brotherhood interaction. This event also serves purpose in showing that the Lambda Xi chapter has grown and matured as a chapter to where we are capable of hosting such an event. We are also co-hosting the event with our sister sorority, Sigma Alpha Iota.
It is an event that I have been personally planning since last spring and up until now I have been considered the "unofficial" coordinator of the event.
The other is a project that Sinfonia has been doing for some time.
"Sinfonia Battle of the Bands" features local bands in competition for a framed golden record award. The event serves as a great venue for the bands as well as big event for Sinfonia.
My intent is to gear the event more towards our philanthropic goals by raising the funds we earn from concessions for the VH1 "Save the Music" Foundation.
Both projects are in their early stages of development and I will be focusing a good bit of time during the holiday break to get them further in motion.
The committee has already discussed some brotherhood builders for next semester so we're definitely off to a great start on that as well.
Above design: formal concept logo by me.
Below design: Battle of the Bands concept logo by Matt McNulty.
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