Department t-shirts are common at Ole Miss. I have seen shirts for the Business and Pharmacy schools as well as the Psychology Department. I'm especially proud because this will be the Journalism Department's first shirt.
Based on specifications from our advisor, Dr. Wickham, and some preferences of my own, I have come up with three basic concepts. The color scheme for each shirt is royal blue with white text to set a more imperial feel. Though each front and back can be mix matched, I've purposefully laid them side by side with the design they best compliment.

The front for the first design is a combination of the Journalism Department logo and the school crest. The back is the first amendment of the constitution. Its look is more of a slight regal tone. Down side is that when I finished it I realized the front was almost a rip off of the university's presidential debate t-shirt.
The second design focuses on the the Journalism logo itself on

The third design for the shirt is definitely my favorite of the three.
It is a combination of all of the previous elements for a great overall effect. The front is similar to that of the department's desktop backgrounds in the computer labs and will be more familiar with students. That layout was originally created by Noah Bunn. On the back of the shirt, all of the organizations are once again displayed and the first amendment is below them. As far as which design is used, I would bank on this one.

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